Monday, November 26, 2012

Halloween Party

The Halloween party was their first school party.  They loved dressing up in their costumes and they really enjoyed the party!  Thank you to all involved in making this a fun time for the kids!  We really appreciate it!

Veteran's Day Art

We have been studying American landmark poster cards, so for the Veteran's Day art I had them draw one of the landmarks of our great nation.

Thanksgiving Kids

The lessons about Thanksgiving were interesting for the students.  They also enjoyed dressing up like the Pilgrim and Native Americans. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Wiki Space

I created my wiki space with children in mind.  Check it out when you have time.  There are links to learning games and to lists I've made with ideas of things to do outdoors and ideas for when your child is bored.  If you have any good ideas of things I can add to my wiki, just let me know!

Cool Bird Videos

The k-kids watched these in class one day and begged me to give you the link.

Osprey video:

Bald Eagle until the end.

One of my favorites that the kids absolutely love!

Freddie Frog's Fantastic Flapjacks

For the letter Ff, I decided we would make flapjacks/pancakes and I'd introduce the children to how to follow a recipe, understand measuring, understand that flour comes from wheat and is used in many of our foods and how some foods come from animals, i.e. honey, milk, and eggs.  Each child was a chef on this morning and measured the ingredients into a cup to make the batter.  Then with help he/she poured the batter onto the griddle.  Then they got to flip their flapjack.  Best of all was eating their creation!  I think they really enjoyed it because they keep asking to do it again.  Here is the recipe in case you'd like to make some at home!

Freddie Frog's Fantastic Flapjacks

2 Tablespoons of flour
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1 pinch of salt
Add above ingredients together and stir.

1/4 tsp. honey
2 Tablespoons milk
1 tsp. beaten egg
Stir only until blended.

Pour pancake batter onto a hot griddle.
Turn when edges are brown and bubbles pop.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Birder in Training

Here is a boy naming the birds on the bird flashcards.  He is pretty amazing for a 5 year old!