Sunday, December 30, 2012

Eagle Tree

If you get a chance to visit the Ft. Randall Dam this winter, you will be surprised at all of the Bald Eagles that are there.  They are wintering there because it is the only open water in the area where they can fish.  Go below the dam to the "tail race" parking lot.  I took this photo from there of a tree across the water.  There were 14 Bald Eagles in this tree and I counted 50+ Bald Eagles in the area.  The Bald Eagles often fish there and you will also see many ducks and gulls as well.  I think your kindergartener will enjoy it as well as you!  Bring your binoculars and camera!  The Ft. Randall Dam is only 30 miles from town.

Christmas Party

Here are some photos of our Christmas Party Day.  We went to school a full day on this Friday.  We had regular classes in the morning with a Christmas spin on some of them.  Then after lunch the K-4 students were able to choose which of three movies they would like to watch and go to that classroom.  They were treated to a can of pop and popcorn.  Then after the movie it was time for the individual class parties.  We were surprised when Santa Claus stopped in and talked to each of the children!  The kids had a good time!  Thank you to all who helped at this party!  We really appreciate it!

Buddy the Bald Eagle

A very nice person donated money to "The Wildlife Center of Virginia" in the name of our kindergarten class. They have a wildlife hospital there and one Bald Eagle had Avian Pox and had a deformed bill.  It can never be released into the wild again because it needs care, so it is an educational animal that is being used to teach others about Bald Eagles.  We will be checking in on "Buddy the Bald Eagle" occasionally.  We will watch the "Buddy Cam" periodically to check in on his progress. 

Journal Writing

You may think that it is unusual that young children write in a journal everyday, but it has proved to be a very good way for them to learn to read and write.  At first they just make scribbles, write letters and draw a picture.  Then as they learn that what they say can be put into words, they begin to write words.  They may use the Word Wall as a tool to help.  After they have finished each day, they bring it to me and I to the "adult writing" below their "kid writing", so that they can learn.  I love to see what they come up with each day!  It is a wonderful keepsake for parents as well.  Here are some students hard at work!

Nature Observation Journal

This year our class is keeping a "Nature Observation Journal" for each season.  It has been very enjoyable!  For the fall journal I did the writing and they watched, but for the winter journal they will do the writing.  It has taught them to be more observant of their surroundings at the lake and at school they are noticing animals, plants and the weather in their area.  It also teaches them reading and writing skills as well as telling time.

Hot Cocoa Party

Occasionally we will have a hot cocoa party in the afternoon.  I use this as a reward for good behavior during the week.  The kids love it and it warms them up after being outdoors on these cold, winter days.  If you would like to donate hot cocoa to our classroom, it would be much appreciated!