Thursday, January 17, 2013

We've Published a Book

The kindergarteners and I took on a big project that took about a month to complete.  We have illustrated and written a book titled, Our Favorite Backyard Birds.  This project used many of our content standards in science and language arts. 

First I chose a group of common backyard birds for our area and then the kids took turns choosing two that they would like to illustrate. 

Then we went to the Promethean Board and we would research each bird on the internet.  I would read about the bird and then they would tell me the important facts they wanted.  I think they learned a lot from this process.  At first they struggled with it, but then later it came quite easy to listen for detail.  I would type the it on a sheet of paper, so that they could copy it off later.  Little ones are not accustomed to writing on single lines, so I would sit by them and help or show them how to do it by writing it on my sheet of paper.  They learned a lot from that as well. 

Many of the kindergarteneres have been drawing birds since I first started teaching about birds, so it wasn't hard for them to do.  Some needed me to coach them through it one step at a time.  They had to pay close attention to detail and get the specific field marks on each bird. 

I thought they did a very good job!  I'm really proud of them!  Here is the link to order your very own hardcover book:;jsessionid=88E0D3324D707AC638977C8F09AFCEF6

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