Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nest Box Building

Today we went to the high school shop to build bird nest boxes with the high school sophomores and some juniors  The kids wore their goggles and work aprons that we got from the Home Depot.  They also gave us wood, screws and wood glue for free!  That was very nice of them!
They got into their groups and started measuring the length of the pieces and then they sawed the pieces and put the right sized opening in one board. Then they had to drill the holes for the nails or screws.  Next they put them together.  The big kids were very nice to the kindergarteners and let them help as much as possible.  They also explained everything very well. 
One group did not use wood.  They used recyclable materials to make bird houses because it is good to reuse things.  They used plastic coffee containers.  They cut a hole in it, they filed it down, they put in a perch and then they used sand paper to remove the label.
The kids said that it was very cool and awesome to build these nest boxes!  Now we will get together and go out to Lake Alcazar and put the nest boxes in place.  Then we will keep our fingers crossed that a bird will move in.  When you go out to the lake, watch for the nest boxes and hopefully the birds.  We are hoping for a Wood Duck, an Eastern Bluebird or Tree Swallow and a House Wren!  We will be watching too and writing about it in our journal!
Before we went home today I was asked, "So...what are we going to build next?"  :)

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