Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sandhill Cranes

We do a number of projects in kindergarten and one of them is about migration and the needs of birds.  We chose to take a closer look at the Sandhill Cranes.  I put together a Power Point slideshow that we use to learn about these cool birds.  We will also be watching the Crane Cam from Nebraska.

We are in the path of their migration, so keep your eyes and ears open as they have a distinctive look and sound.  We will watch for them during the day while we are here, but you may see them while you are out and about. 

Here is a photo of a Sandhill Crane taken by photographer Doug Backlund.  Also I've added a link to hear their unusual sound.  If you see them on the ground, watch their unusual behavior.  They are an interesting bird that is as big as a kindergartener!  Good luck finding some!

  Length: 36"- 48"    Wingspan:  70"-90"

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