Monday, July 15, 2013

The End of the Road

I apologize that it took me so long to wrap up this blog of your child's kindergarten year.  Summer set in and I was off and running with projects, family fun and birding of course!

I wouldn't be a good teacher if I didn't remind you to brush up on your child's skills a little each day, so that they won't lose all that they have learned. It is hot outside now, so it is a good time to head to our local library.  Grab a book and read together.  Talk about words, punctuation, letter sounds.  Do you remember the two little booklets that I sent home at the end of each week?  Those are perfect for reading practice.  Do some story problems for math, write numbers, letters, words and sentences.  Do some of the online Math that we have set up for your child.  Maybe you could set up a certain time each day that is "School Time".  Keep it upbeat and fun.  Then reviewing will be a positive experience for him/her.  It really is important to review, as kids do lose a lot over the summer break.  It will make the beginning of this year go much smoother.

I want you to know how much I enjoyed this school year with these kids!  They are wonderful little people and we had such a great journey through kindergarten!  I will never forget them! They were fortunate to get to be a part of a TV broadcast as well and I'm looking forward to seeing that this fall on PBS.

It is now July and I don't think a day has gone by when I haven't thought of them.  I really miss them!  It will be great to see these former kindergarteners on their first day of school when they walk through the door as first graders!

Enjoy what is left of summer!

The Article About these Bird-y Kindergarteners in the Conservation Digest

I was so impressed with what these young students had accomplished in the classroom that I was inspired to write an article about them for the ornithology Bird Notes.  I was hoping to encourage others to introduce children to birds and birding.  I have a copy of the Bird Notes for each child and I will give it to them when I see them next.

When the word got out about this article, someone told me to see if the conservation digest would be interested in my story.  It turns out that they were, so it was published in the May/June edition. It was my first and probably only article I've ever written.  It was much longer and I had to cut a lot out, but I think you will get the idea of some of the things we've done in school.  Like I tell everyone...It really didn't take much time to teach them about birds as the kids are like sponges and just soaked this up.  They wanted to know more and more.  I do teach them to ask questions and try to learn as much as they can everyday.

Click on the magazine cover or the link below to get to the article:

Sept/Oct Issue

Our Field Trip - A Day at the Lake

We went to the Corsica Lake Park for the day.  We birded in the morning on the trail.  The kids also played on the playground, had a yummy picnic, and had a good time working at the outdoor classroom that I had set up.  We also went on another hike in the afternoon and then had a snack and played some more.  It was a great day outdoors!  Thank you to all who helped out in any way!  I think the kids had a great time!

Kindergarten Round-up Day - April 24th

The incoming kindergarteners spent half of the day with us to experience what school will be like for them in the fall.  Here they are in the front row.  It will be my smallest class I've ever had.

Our Favorite Bird Bulletin Board

Earth Day Art

Arbor Day

A big thank you to our county conservation district for giving each kindergartener in the county a Black Hills Spruce sapling.  Also each classroom received our state flower - the Pasque flower.  That is very nice and the we were all happy for our gift! They are looking pretty smile-y!!

Journal Progress