Monday, July 15, 2013

The End of the Road

I apologize that it took me so long to wrap up this blog of your child's kindergarten year.  Summer set in and I was off and running with projects, family fun and birding of course!

I wouldn't be a good teacher if I didn't remind you to brush up on your child's skills a little each day, so that they won't lose all that they have learned. It is hot outside now, so it is a good time to head to our local library.  Grab a book and read together.  Talk about words, punctuation, letter sounds.  Do you remember the two little booklets that I sent home at the end of each week?  Those are perfect for reading practice.  Do some story problems for math, write numbers, letters, words and sentences.  Do some of the online Math that we have set up for your child.  Maybe you could set up a certain time each day that is "School Time".  Keep it upbeat and fun.  Then reviewing will be a positive experience for him/her.  It really is important to review, as kids do lose a lot over the summer break.  It will make the beginning of this year go much smoother.

I want you to know how much I enjoyed this school year with these kids!  They are wonderful little people and we had such a great journey through kindergarten!  I will never forget them! They were fortunate to get to be a part of a TV broadcast as well and I'm looking forward to seeing that this fall on PBS.

It is now July and I don't think a day has gone by when I haven't thought of them.  I really miss them!  It will be great to see these former kindergarteners on their first day of school when they walk through the door as first graders!

Enjoy what is left of summer!

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